Sponsor us!

The following are other ways to promote your business with Macaroni Kid NE El Paso. You do not have to be an advertiser to participate in the options below. By taking advantage of one of these options, we will mention your company in an article and provide a link back to your company website or Facebook page.

Sponsor a contest

By providing the prize in one of our contests, we will display your logo and mention your company in an article dedicated to the contest for as many weeks as the contest runs.

Sponsor the Macaroni Kid Photo of the Week

As the sponsor of our Macaroni Kid Photo of the Week you provide a discount coupon, free day admission, free tickets, free meal, etc. Your company will receive mention as the sponsor in each week that you provide a prize.

Sponsor event gift baskets

As a sponsor of event gift baskets you provide Macaroni Kid NE El Paso with coupons, samples, small gift cards, etc. to be included in gift baskets used as give always at events we host or attend. These baskets are full of items from local businesses and are given away to our subscribers through a drawing and set out for everyone at the event to view.

I would love to chat with you about these possibilities and any others that you think of.

If you would like to take advantage of one of these opportunities, please email me or call (915) 873-8168.